
Young adults

Are you confused about your life’s direction? Being a young adult is an exciting time that can be filled with possibilities for adventure, growth and exploration. At the same time, it can bring a sense of confusion and feeling overwhelmed about who you are, what you want and how to get there. Maybe there are obstacles, new or old, that get in the way of making progress. 

Michelle understands and respects the challenges that young adults face as they navigate life, careers, relationships, families and more. She has extensive experience working with young adults as they confront everyday stress and uncertainty during this important developmental period.

Many emerging adults say they are taking responsibility for themselves, but still do not completely feel like an adult.

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and want to make the best decisions for yourself?
  • Do you need to prioritize your commitments and responsibilities?
  • Are you constantly worrying about the present and the future?
  • Are you struggling with your education, career, relationships?


At Growing Mindful NYC, Michelle honors every unique life story and tailors her approach to meet the needs of each individual.

Your work together will allow you to explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviors in a way that will guide you to uncover their origin and identify past experiences that may be contributing to them. This in turn, allows you to gain insight and confidence to make the best decisions, plan for change, develop skills to tolerate uncomfortable feelings, learn to trust yourself and build life skills.

Young adulthood is the perfect time to discover new strategies to better manage your life so that you can become your best self and have the future that you want! 


Many people choose to start therapy when they’re feeling overwhelmed with the stressors of daily life or when they’ve gone through a traumatic event and need some support in processing and coping. Is there a particular area of your life that feels unmanageable, like you could benefit from some support? Therapy will provide you with a dedicated time and space to work on the problems that are bothering you and will give you the support you need to heal.

Uncomfortable emotions, like anxiety, sadness and anger, can be tough to manage sometimes. And while you might have some emotions under control, there may be one or two that seem to get the best of you more frequently.

Keep in mind that talking to a psychotherapist doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you. You might simply decide that seeing a therapist is what helps you become the best version of yourself.

At Growing Mindful NYC, Michelle can help you gain insight and better understand where your feelings are coming from. During times of stress many people turn to food, screens, work and addiction as a way to avoid or cope with problems. However, these coping strategies will often backfire. No matter what emotions or problems you’re struggling with, Michelle can help you find a way to feel more in control. She can help you navigate relationships, major life events, trauma, self-esteem, parenting, and/or time management and productivity.

Seeking therapy early on may prevent mental illnesses before they start—and it also may help you to think, feel, and perform at your best.